Flag of India
India Flag is not only of freedom for we peoples, but it is symbol of freedom for all over the world. "Hind desh ka pyara jhanda uchha sada rahega" (The Flag of India will be high every time). The tricolor India flag is not a combination of three color only, but combination of culture, significance of unity, and shows the tradition of India . The Flag of India is to be hosted at 15th August and 26th January on the occasion of Independence Day and Republic Day. India Flag is to be hosted at Red Fort by the prime minister of India on Independence day and by president of India at Republic Day.
About India Flag
There are three colors in Indian Flag that's why it is called Tiranga.At the top band of Flag is saffron color called casariya,and the white color is in middle and lower band with green color and in the center of flags Ashoka chakra, which has 24 spocks. The Chakra has taken from Ashok Astambh which is situated in Sarnath.The size ratio of national Flag is 3:2. The Tiranga was designed by Pingali Venkayya.
Meaning of the India National
Flag Color and Chakra The specific meaning of the flag's color and chakra, they represents the complete India . The meaning of saffron color is the power and unity for serve the society. The green color tells culture and charms and white color for truth and simplicity of country.The chakra shows to working pwer and energy., the law" in the Sarnath Lion Capital made by the 3rd-century BC Mauryan Emperor Ashoka. The chakra intends to show that there is life in movement and death in stagnation.
Some Law's For Flag
There are some law to use of nstional falg's that the flag treated with "dignity, loyalty and respect". According to fag Act 1950 the flag never touch earth and water be used as a as a gneral purpose clothe, cornerstone etc. Until 2005, the flag could not be used in clothing, uniform or costume. On 2005, the Government of India amended the code, allowing use of the flag as clothing and uniform. It however cannot be used as clothing below the waist or as undergarments. It is also prohibited to embroider the national flag and other symbols onto pillowcases or neckerchiefs. The National Flag may be hoisted in educational institutions to inspire respect for the Flag. An oath of allegiance has been included in the flag hoisting in schools. A member of public, a private organization or an educational institution may hoist/display the National Flag on all days and occasions, ceremonial or otherwise consistent with the dignity and honour of the National Flag.
History of India Flag
The Indian Flag was accepted assembly meeting in 22 july 1947.The assembly had decided that the flag flagged on the 26 January and 15th august on the occasion of Republic and Independence day.
There are three colors in India flag. All the color is equal horizontal bars. The deep saffron colors shows courage and sacrifice. The saffron color is also called the Bhagwa color, this is a symbol of Hindusm.The white color symbolism for peace, unity and truth. The green color shows the culture and fertility. The blue colors for the sky and the ocean this is in Chakra. The Chakra has 24 spokes, representing the 24 hours in a day. The height of this flag is two-thirds the width.
The Indian Flag's Color combined with three color, saffron, white and green and each color tells own meaning ,who represent the India. The meaning of the Indian flag color was described by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. According to Radhakrishan the flag is combination of renunciation of disinterestedness, truth and our relation to the soul. The Indian flag color represent the unity and democracy of th country, where people have right to take its own decision. Like the flag color here Hindi, Muslim, Sikh and Christian live together like brother. The complete story proof the following songs.
"Hindu Muslim Sikh Isai Aapas main hain sab Bhai-Bhai"

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