Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yoga for beauty, Yoga for healthy and Beautiful Women, Yoga for fit body, mental moral and spiritual health, Yoga asana for Beauty indian, Yoga Tips

Yoga for beauty, Yoga for healthy and Beautiful Women, Yoga for fit body, mental moral and spiritual health, Yoga asana for Beauty indian, Yoga Tips indian woman

Yoga deals with physical, mental, moral and spiritual well being of a person. In the life od today it has gained relevance to cope with stress full lives.

Yoga verbally means union. It signifies union of body and mind. The eight limbs of yoga are :-
  1. Yama : moral commandments
  2. Niyama : discipline
  3. Pranayama : Control of breathing
  4. Pratyahara : freedom of mind from the senses
  5. Dharana : concentration
  6. Dhyana : Meditation
  7. Samadhi : State of super consciousness
So the mind is free from the senses, emotions and passions are controlled and the body is kept strong and healthy. And the final destination is to reach a level of consciousness of the inner self through concentration and meditation.

Among so many yoga paths, Hatha yoga is popularly practised. It deals with physical exercises, assumption of postures or asanas. Pranayama or control of breath is combined with these. 'Asanas' involve static positions, when a particular pose is held for prescribed time. During this time mind is disciplined. At same time, body , including nerves and muscles are exercised. The exercise take the body through :-
  1. Standing poses 
  2. Various Sitting Postures 
  3. Ending with Shavasana or sleeping pose.  
Benefits of Yoga are numerous including -
  1. Improves Suppleness and grace
  2. Improves Posture
  3. Tones and Relaxes Muscles
  4. Improves circultion and hence oxygenation
  5. Keeps Spine flexible
  6. Alleviates physical aches like back ache
  7. Helps cure insomnia and mental depression
  8. Aids digestion and releives constipation
  9. Soothes the nerves
  10. Induces relaxation of body and mind
  11. Releases mental tensions
  12. Relieves fatigue and allows recuperation of energy

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