Monday, December 22, 2008

From the "You Can't Make This Up" file...

In case you missed it, the Geniuses over in England are watering down the Christmas Hymns now to the point where I don't even know why they should even try singing them.

We're all aware of the subtle (and not so subtle) changes that have been made, especially by the Faith Haters over at Oregon Catholic Press, but here we have (supposed) the hierarchy of the Church of England doing it!

If you water these things down to ensure that nobody, or no species is offended, I suppose all you'd have left is to just open your mouth a just say "Aaaaah". But heck, then you'd offend the mute people in the world.

"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" would become "God (egads!) Rest Ye Merry Gentlepersons". But even that would offend those who aren't very merry. Along with all those who aren't technically "persons". And the "Rest" part? Wouldn't that offend workaholics?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

10 tips for leading your team to peak performance

10 tips for leading your team to peak performance

If you want to succeed as a leader, you can only do it by setting up your team members to succeed.
Here are a few fundamental leadership tips for managing your team to peak performance. Keep in mind that these tips are aimed at leaders who manage knowledge workers and project managers in IT. The equation can be a little different if you are managing people in a strict production environment, although many of the principles may still apply.

#1: Focus on results and productivity and not the time clock

When you manage salaried knowledge workers, you should almost never have rigid clock-in/clock-out times unless there is a coverage issue in relation to serving customers (e.g., maintaining adequate help desk coverage during call hours). Instead, set clear goals that you know should take your employees about 40 hours/week to accomplish. Require that they show up on time for important meetings and are available during the team's general working hours. Provide them with the tools to access their work remotely, when needed. Then let them manage their own time. This sends the message that you trust your employees. If you've got people you don't trust, that's another issue. Manage them up until you do trust them or manage them out to their next opportunity.

#2: Align people with the stuff they are good at

Make sure you have the right people in the right seats. This is especially true if you take over the management of a team that is already in place. Take stock of all the talents you have on the team and reshuffle the deck if it means that your team has a better chance of success. Don't keep someone in a job role just because they've been doing it for long time if you truly think their talents are better suited and could make a bigger contribution in another role. Employees might be reluctant to move in a case like this, so you may need to work hard to convince them that the change is in their best interest, as well as the best interest of the company.

#3: Align people with the projects they are passionate about

Another part of getting people in the right seats is finding what your employees are genuinely passionate about and seeing if they are ways to align them with job roles that let them channel some of that passion. Occasionally, that can mean putting someone in an area where they don't have much experience. But if their previous work history makes you think they can succeed in that role, it's usually worth it because their passion will fuel a strong desire to learn and grow. Once they're up to speed, that passion can become a strong driver of innovation and growth.

#4: Put your best performers on your biggest opportunities

When you have a big opportunity that could propel your organisation forward, you need to step back and think about who is the best person to lead the charge. In addition to finding someone who has the talent for the work involved or who has a passion for the subject matter, you need to look at who has a track record of success. Big opportunities come around only once in a while, and they can be lost. So even if it means taking someone off something important, you should always put your best performers on your biggest opportunities.

#5: Find the balance between aggressive and realistic goals

Create a culture of performance by setting aggressive goals and holding your employees accountable for regularly reporting on their progress. However, the goals can't be so aggressive that your employees quickly fall behind and feel like they can never realistically achieve them. Otherwise, they will quit stretching to reach the goals. That means that you have to regularly re-evaluate the goals (at least on a quarterly basis) to decide whether they need to be scaled down or scaled up.

#6: Trust your people -- and let them know it

Knowledge workers typically have jobs that require creative solutions and decision-making. They need to stay sharp mentally to achieve top performance. The onus is on management to create an atmosphere that fosters and encourages that kind of creativity. One of the best things you can do is to let your employees know that you trust them and that you have faith in their ability to do the job, solve the problem, and/or meet the deadline. If you don't trust them, again, you need to manage them up or manage them out.

#7: Avoid blame (a.k.a. throwing people under the bus)

In any business (or organisational enterprise), there are going to be times when you fail, and there will be things that simply don't pan out the way you had hoped. Do a post-mortem (even if it's informal) to figure out what went wrong and learn from it. If there were egregious errors made by individuals, deal with them privately. If necessary, let the person know your expectations for how this should be handled in the future. Don't publicly blame individuals -- either directly or indirectly -- in meetings or team e-mails. If you do, you risk creating an atmosphere in which people are so afraid to make mistakes that they don't spend enough time doing the proactive and creative work necessary to avoid future problems -- or more important, to drive new innovations.

#8: Foster innovation by killing projects the right way

Another important part of fostering innovation is knowing how to kill projects effectively and gracefully. There are times when failed initiatives will expose the weaknesses of certain employees, but there are plenty of times when you have good employees working on projects that simply don't pan out. Figuring out the difference between those two scenarios is part of becoming a good manager. If it's a good person on a bad project, the person who was running the project isn't any less talented because the project didn't materialise. So make sure you use the project as a learning experience and reassign the person to something new without excessive hand-wringing. Otherwise, you will make your employees overly risk-averse, and they will be reluctant to jump into the next big project or to make bold moves when managing the project. That type of atmosphere can quickly stifle progress.

#9: Don't provide all the answers -- make your employees think

You are the manager. You are the leader. That does not mean that you have a monopoly on all of the good ideas. If your employees are hesitant to make decisions without asking your opinion first, you haven't properly empowered them. If your employees aren't making enough of their own decisions, you should change your tactics. When they present you with information and ask what to do about a situation, push the ball back into their court and ask them, "What do you think?" They might be surprised at first, but after you do that several times, they'll start thinking it through before they come to you so that they're fully prepared to discuss the matter and make a recommendation. That's a good thing, because they're usually closer to the customer and more familiar with the details of the work. You need their opinions. And you need them to make some of their own decisions.

#10: Build consensus by letting people know "why"

One of your key responsibilities in management is communicating about new initiatives and strategy changes. The worst thing you can do is surprise your staff members with a fully formed idea about a new way to do something that will drastically alter their day-to-day work. When you spring it on them, people will naturally be defensive and skeptical. Whenever possible, give people an informal heads-up that a change is coming and let them know some of the reasoning involved. They will be glad you kept them in the loop. If they don't agree with the reasoning, they can express their dissent. They might even bring up a caveat or a gotcha that should be considered before the final plan is solidified. An even better course of action is to have a brainstorming session with your team when you are still formulating a new idea or strategy change, so you can gather their ideas and feedback. You may sometimes have to spring something on your team, but make sure that you limit those occasions. Even then, take the time to let them know the reasoning behind the decision.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Holiday That Dares Not Speak It's Name...

It's good to be back!

Christmas - the ONLY Holiday where it's okay to reference in code, but you'd better not say it outright!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'll be back....

After Christmas card season is done. I didn't want anyone to think I've been slacking, or lazy, or dead or anything. Since I should post a picture, here's a pic of my son's room. I finished it last year. When he grows up I suppose I'll have to paint over it all!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Managing your Manager - Some very important Tips

Learn to Manage Your Manager
Unless you are self-employed and are you own boss, it is likely that you have someone you report to – a boss, a manager, a board of directors etc. This person will likely hold the key to your career success and possibly determines how quickly you can make progress at your company.

As such, one of the most important parts of your job, one that is never explicitly stated and unfortunately a lot of people do not pay much attention to, is being able to manage this person. It may sound clichéd, but to ensure that you can climb the ladder of success you first need to learn how to manage your manager.

Market yourself to your boss: Your manager is likely to have a lot more responsibility than just managing you. In the midst of all their other responsibilities, it is possible that you will occasionally be tossed to the back burner. Take subtle steps to ensure that what you are working on is not forgotten. Make sure your manager knows at all times what you are working on. This may require you to speak up during meetings, copying them on emails to clients (especially those where the clients express satisfaction with your work), inviting him or her to meetings that you have with your peers (even if he or she is likely to not attend) etc.
Don’t be overly sensitive: Managers are humans too and are likely to show emotions every now and then. Occasionally, because of the pressure that they are under, these emotions come up as anger and frustration. Do not be overly sensitive to criticism – more often than not it is the circumstances and is not meant to be a personal rebuke. When caught in such situation, filter out the negative statements and find what it is that you need to do to rectify the situation. And even if you are effected by an outburst, do not mope around or worse create a scene and make a perfectly salvageable situation worse.

Make your manager look good: Remember, your manager has a manager too! While it is his job to offer you guidance and leadership, he will be much more inclined to do that job well if you make him look good and help him shine before his superiors. Learn the difficult and dark art of making your accomplishments known to the upper brass without snatching away the glory from your boss.

Your manager is not your friend!: It is possible that as time goes by you get quite pally with your boss. But don’t ever forget that when it comes right down to it, he still has in his hands your future and your fate. Things said in jest may be perceived as insulting which can cause unnecessary issues later. Sharing confidences and personal secrets could make him/her biased against you when it is time for a promotion or a critical project. While a certain amount of camaraderie is always good, never let you guard fully down.

Don’t be a pain in the butt: Don’t be a whiner or complainer. If you have issues with your peers or are dealing with a lack of resources, try to handle the situation yourself first. Do not be a tattletale and do not demand stuff that is not really important. When things are falling behind, keep him or her updated about possible slips in schedule, so no one is caught off guard.

Actions speak louder than words: You need to gain your boss’s respect and confidence and in the workplace, usually, the only way to do this is to prove your worth. Let your work speak for you – it goes a lot farther than just kissing ass. It does not matter if your actual job is significant or critical from the company’s perspective – but if you do it well anyway, it will be noticed and will open doors for you.

Don’t hog your boss’s time: Your boss will likely have a whole lot of tasks to juggle and people to manage. So make sure you do not hog your boss’s time. While discussing issues, make sure you can summarize the situation in a few sentences. The same goes for status updates. The more effective you are at conveying all that needs to be said in the least amount of time, the better you will fare in your boss’s books.

Identify your boss’s weakness and take advantage of it: Since you boss is only human, it is likely that he/she will have a few weaknesses. Some of these can be quite frustrating. But if you learn to identify these weaknesses and play them to your advantage, in the long run you could benefit immensely.

For instance, if your boss is a pompous ego-maniac, instead of being frustrated by how he claims credit for all your hard work, find ways to fuel the ego and look favorable in his eyes. If your boss is too timid, step up to the ladder and be his right-hand man while representing your group to further higher ups. If you make sure you make your boss look good in the process, you can not only gain points from him, but from upper management as well. Manipulating a boss’s weakness to work in your favor is very important if you do not want to be brought down by them!

Make sure your boss knows your personal career goals: If you are hoping to earn a promotion, make sure your boss knows that you feel ready for the higher responsibilities that come along with the promotion. If you would like to change the direction your career is going, make sure your boss has an idea. There are several opportunities that may be visible to your boss, but not to you. If he/she knows what it is that you want in the long run, he may find a way to steer you in that direction. Remember that managers are not mind readers, and if you want something, you need to tell them explicitly. Annual reviews are a good time to bring up these matters.

Ultimately, it all boils down to remembering that your boss is also human. And the human that is most important for the progress of your career, at that. So, like all aspects of life, improving your relationship with the boss and treating him/her with some respect and some subtle manipulation can go a long way in ensuring that your career fares well.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Premio Dardos!

I would like to take this time to thank Anita Moore over at V for Victory Blog for this award. It's quite a hoot to hear from people who get a kick out of these cartoons.

Of course, the reception of such a prestigious award comes with certain responsibilities:

The rules:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to other 15 blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment.

3) Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

I don't know that I follow 15 blogs, especially at this time of year, as I'm kept hopping with my Christmas Card company, but I would like to present this award to the following:

The Crescat -
The ol' Carolina Cannonball - she's just too much!

Fallible Blogma -
Matthew Warner has some interesting insight and some good discussion, too!

Teen Catholic Girl -
Who proves that not all teenagers are dopes! And she has nice background music!

A Thorn in the Pew -
She's always a good read. Plus she likes my cartoons, so she can't be all bad...

Paramedic Golden Girl -
I don't know if she's a paramedic, or if she's golden, but I'll take her word for it, because her blog is good reading!

A Traditional Catholic -
Marilena - she's good people!

Roman Catholic Blog -
Good news and insight thereon...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let the Shakedown Begin!

Well, the class warfare will soon heat up, as Dear Leader will set his sights on those of us who work for a living, ensuring that we're working to provide even MORE welfare for those who'd rather live on the dole.

In the midwest they have tornado shelters - pretty soon the working stiffs of this country will need Obama Shelters.

Special thanks to all those "cultural catholics", especially those in my home state of Pennsylvania, who long ago traded in their Faith in favor of a Democrat controlled welfare/abortion state.

The only hope is that maybe, just maybe, as we move farther away from Vatican II and its' "Springtime Generation", the Catholic Vote will actually be (egads!) CATHOLIC.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Up on Obama Mountain

LifeNews has an interesting article on Doug Kmeic, that flaky "catholic" who has endorsed Barack Obama, with some good points by Fr. Frank Pavone.

For me, I think they've basically sold their souls.

Read about it here:

Friday, October 24, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Confession with Fr. Obama

I know it's quite a scandal to even jokingly put "Fr." in front of "Obama", but what the hey...
Obama's comments to "Joe the Plumber" about taking Joe's money and giving it to those who didn't work for it is quite telling about how much of a socialist he really is.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Catholic Bailout

I find it awfully ironic that they feel the need to weigh in at all...

Read about it here:

Monday, September 29, 2008

Top 10 Women Politicians in India

At present, there are 50 women among the 543 members of the lower house of Parliament, the Lok Sabha — just 9%. from Sarojini Naidu, who became the first woman to lead the Indian National Congress in 1925 during its struggle for independence from Britain, to Indira Gandhi, who became the country's first woman Prime Minister in 1966, and the plethora of women ministers and state chief ministers that have followed — has not improved the lives of the majority of Indian women. In keeping with South Asian tradition, most high-profile women politicians in India — with a few notable exceptions — have reached the top on the shoulders of illustrious fathers or husbands.
1) Sonia Gandhi

In 1964, Sonia Gandhi went to study English at The Bell Educational Trust's language school in the city of Cambridge. While enrolled in this certificate course she met Rajiv Gandhi, who was enrolled at the time in Trinity College at the University of Cambridge. Sonia and Rajiv were married in 1969, after which she moved into the house of her mother-in-law and then Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi. The couple had two children, Rahul Gandhi (born 1970) and Priyanka Gandhi (born 1972). Despite the family's heavy involvement in politics (her mother-in-law Indira Gandhi, daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, was Prime Minister), Sonia and Rajiv avoided all involvement - Rajiv worked as an airline pilot, and Sonia took care of her family. When Indira was ousted from office in 1977 and when Rajiv entered politics in 1982, Sonia continued to focus on her family and avoided all contact with public. She acquired Indian citizenship in 1983 after 14 years of her marriage. She relinquished the prime minister's post in favour of incumbent Manmohan Singh, but she is continuing to be the power behind the throne. She was named the third most powerful woman in the world by Forbes magazine in the year 2004 and currently ranks 6th . She was also named among the Time 100 most influential people in the world for the years 2007 and 2008. She was returned to Parliament by a margin of over 400,000 votes in the by-election for Rae Bareilly after the office of profit controversy.
2) Pratibha Patil

(born December 19, 1934) is the current President of India, the 12th person and first woman to hold the office. She was sworn in as President of India on July 25, 2007, succeeding Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.Patil, a member of the Indian National Congress (INC), was nominated by the ruling United Progressive Alliance and Indian Left. She won the presidential election held on July 19, 2007 defeating her nearest rival Bhairon Singh Shekhawat by over 300,000 votes.Patil represented Edlabad constituency in Jalgaon District, Maharashtra as a member of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly (1962-1985), and was deputy chairwoman of the Rajya Sabha (1986-1988), Member of Parliament from Amravati in the Lok Sabha (1991-1996), and the 24th, and the first woman Governor of Rajasthan (2004-2007).
3) Mayawati

The late Kanshi Ram may have been the soul of the Bahujan Samaj Party but it was Mayawati, his chosen heiress, who was its face. (born January 15, 1956) is a Indian politician and the current Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. She has been the Chief Minister on three other short-lived tenures but her party holds the absolute majority in the state on this occasion.Kumari Mayawati was born in Delhi. Her father Prabhu Das was a clerk in the telecommunications department in Delhi. Her mother is Ram Rati. She graduated from Kalindi College in Delhi and holds a Bachelor of Education degree, and was a teacher in Delhi (Inderpuri JJ Colony) until joining full time politics in 1984. At one point she also studied for the Indian Administrative Service examinations. However, after meeting Kanshi Ram in 1977, she gradually came under his patronage, and was part of his core team when he founded the BSP in 1984.In 1984, Kanshi Ram founded the BSP as a party to represent the Dalits, and Mayawati was one of the key people in the new organization. In 2001, Kanshi Ram named her as his successor.
4) Sheila Dikhshit

In a party where obeisance to the high command ranks higher than individual merit, she is different. Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit is different in other respects too. She is no-nonsense, believes in speaking her mind, and goes ahead with what needs to be done -- armed with a court order, true -- political fallout be damned. It is thanks to her government that CNG became the norm for heavy vehicles in the capital -- leading to a fall in pollution levels -- the Delhi Metro became a reality, and the hugely unpopular (among traders) anti-sealing drive has taken off. Her father-in-law was the Congress veteran Uma Shankar Dixit and she sure has come a long way.

5)Vasundhara Raje Scindia

She is the BJP's face in Rajasthan, though she comes from Gwalior in Madhya Pradesh. Daughter of the late Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia and sister of the late Madhavrao Scindia, the former minister of state for external affairs in the A B Vajpayee government is Rajasthan's first woman chief minister. Her swearing-in in 2003 was on the lawns of the state assembly, a subtle gesture to leave behind the pageantry of her past. As the voters experiment with the new-found weapon of anti-incumbency, it is anyone's bet if Rajasthan will be any different. But with almost two years to go for elections, the princess turned commoner may be in with a chance.

6) Sushma Swaraj

Everyone agrees that Sushma Swaraj will make for a fine BJP president; everyone it seems barring the BJP's own kingmakers. Are they afraid to trust a woman at the helm? Or, is the lady who ranks eighth in the hierarchy as represented by the national executive too vocal for her own good? She has been there done that, been a Union minister, been Delhi chief minister.

7) Mamta Banarjee

Last year she was considered a washout, her bark deadlier than her bite. Her Trinamul Congress had been worsted in the Bengal assembly election, the Marxist bandwagon brooking no opposition, and yet this year she is back on our front pages and television screens, forcing Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya on the backfoot over the Singur land allocation to the Tatas. Makes one wonder, can anything keep this lady down? A street-fighter to the core, her importance is that she transcends electoral reverses. She continues to occupy the opposition space in Bengal, and it is the Congress that is wooing her back.

8) Brinda Karat

She is the wife of CPI-M General Secretary Prakash Karat and NDTV Chairman Prannoy Roy's sister-in-law. She hogged headlines recently over her famous tiff with yoga guru Baba Ramdev, but that's irrelevant. Instead Brinda Karat would rather be known for ensuring that women have found their due in the stodgy Communist Party of India-Marxist, having resigned from the party's central committee once because she felt that women were not given due representation. In 2005, only after five women were nominated to the central committee did Brinda agree to be included in the 17-member Politburo, the first woman to make it to the CPI-M's highest decision-making body. More power to her, we say.

9) Mehbooba Mufti

She was the architect of the Congress-People's Democratic Party tieup in Jammu and Kashmir that saw the alliance come to power in 2002, after having overseen her party's electoral campaign, and being a tough counterpoint to National Conference youthful Omar Abdullah against who she had lost the 1999 Lok Sabha election. Yet, she stood aside for her father Mufti Mohammed Sayeed to assume the chief ministership for three years under a power-sharing arrangement with the Congress party. As the PDP vice-president, it is she, a single parent of two daughters, who is in charge of the organisational nuts and bolts. Naturally, she is Kashmir's bestknown woman politician.

10) Uma bharti

She was the stormy petrel of the Bharatiya Janata Party, but the party may realise that having Uma on the inside is better than outside. Her career is one of upswings and downfalls. From being sports minister in the Vajpayee ministry, she was handpicked to lead the BJP's charge in the 2003 Madhya Pradesh assembly election, in which she secured a two-thirds majority for the party. Her fall from grace began when she quit in August 2004; her criticism of BJP leaders earned her a suspension from the party, but in May 2005 she was brought back into the national executive. But that was short-lived. Her temper tantrum at a party meeting in full glare of television cameras led to her expulsion. She has since floated the Bharatiya Janshakti Party, which came a-cropper in the recent Uttarakhand assembly election. But observers say Uma Bharti cannot be wished away and will make her worth to the BJP known in the next Madhya Pradesh election.

Some Other important woman politicians


She lost the 2006 assembly election, yes, but all signs are that Jayalalithaa has put the past behind her. And, some say, Tamil Nadu as well. She is keen on a return to the national stage -- after a not-so impressive performance there in 1998-1999 when she brought down Atal Bihari Vajpayee's 13-month-old government after a tea-party with Sonia Gandhi -- and is keenly watching the emergence of the Third Front. She has also brushed up extensively on the India-US nuclear deal, to which she is opposed.

For More information on Indian Politics and Elections, please visit

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Top 20 Business Women in India, Top Business Women, Best Indian Women CEOs, Best women entrepreneurs

Name Position Held Organization Name
1 Akhila SrinivasanManaging DirectorShriram Investments Ltd
2 Chanda KoccharExecutive DirectorICICI Bank
3 Ekta KapoorCreative DirectorBalaji Telefilms
4 Jyoit NaikPresidentLijjat Papad
5 Kiran Mazumdar-ShawChairman and Managing DirectorBiocon
6 Lalita D GupteJoint Managing DirectorICICI Bank
7 Naina Lal KidwaiDeputy CEOHSBC
8 Preetha ReddyManaging DirectorApollo Hospitals
9 Priya PaulChairmanApeejay Park Hotels
10 Rajshree PathyChairmanRajshree Sugars and Chemicals Ltd
11 Ranjana KumarChairmanNABARD
12 Ravina Raj KohliMedia personality and ex-PresidentSTAR News
13 Renuka RamnathCEOICICI Ventures
14 Ritu KumarFashion DesignerFasion Industry
15 Ritu NandaCEOEscolife
16 Shahnaz HussainCEOShahnaz Herbals
17 Sharan ApparaoProprietorApparao Galleries
18 Simone TataChairmanTrent Ltd
19 Sulajja Firodia MotwaniJoint MDKinetic Engineering
20 Tarjani Vakilformer Chairman and Managing DirectorEXIM Bank

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal

Basic facts
Some consumers have experienced permanent hair reduction, but there is limited data on how long hair reduction usually lasts, how much hair reduction is typical, and how often permanent hair reduction occurs.
Light at a specified wavelength is delivered from a handpiece into the skin, where it targets dark material (usually the pigment in hair).
This is intended to cause thermal and/or mechanical damage to a hair follicle while sparing surrounding tissues.
Some consumers have experienced long-lasting hair removal or permanent hair reduction.
Considered safe if performed properly.
Useful for large areas such as backs or legs.
Regrowth can come back lighter in color or finer in texture.
Light-skinned consumers with dark hair have the best results.
Long-term data on safety and effectiveness have not been accurately established.
Response rates have not been established.
Regrowth rates have not been accurately established and cannot be predicted due to numerous variables.
Generally not as effective on unpigmented (gray) hairs and red or blonde hair.
Must be used very cautiously (if at all) on darker skin tones or on consumers who tan themselves.
Improper treatment can cause burns, lesions, skin discoloration lasting several months, or patchy/patterned regrowth.
Recent data suggest other skin structures are often affected by laser irradiation, and long term effects of this constitute an unknown risk.
Requires eye protection.
Can be expensive.
Some find treatment painful.
Regulation varies by state, so inadequate controls exist to ensure competent practitioners.
Some consumers, even ideal candidates, do not respond to treatment.
Quack claims
"Painless" or "virtually painless"
While many clients tolerate laser without requiring pain relief, it's overpromise to state that treatment will be painless for all consumers.
"Permanent hair removal" or "100% permanent" or "permanent"
Some consumers experience permanent reduction of treated hair over the course of treatment, but published studies have observed that many consumers are not good candidates, and even ideal candidates with light skin and dark hair do not always respond to treatment. See the page on permanent hair reduction below.
"Guaranteed 0% regrowth"
There is no published clinical data to substantiate this sort of overpromise.
"Laser electrolysis" or "lasertrolysis"
These quack marketing terms are used to blur important distinctions between laser and electrolysis effectiveness. Laser has several advantages over electrolysis, and vice versa. Terms like these only confuse consumers.
"Light years ahead of electrolysis"
This quack marketing term suggests that laser is better than electrolysis for consumers, but this is not always the case.

Hair removal methods available in India

The science of body hairHuman hairs are made up of two separate structures -- the follicle beneath the surface of the skin and the shaft, which is the part we see. The "bulb" or "bulge" is located at the base of the follicle and is the living part of the hair. The main component of hair is keratin, a form of hard protein.
Human body hair comes in two main types -- vellus hair and terminal hair. Vellus hair, also referred to as "peach fuzz," is a very soft and short type of hair that grows on most parts of both the male and female human body. Vellus hairs generally do not grow more than 2 cm in length and are not attached to sebaceous glands, which are found in the skin of humans and other mammals. Terminal hair, on the other hand, tends to be longer, darker, and coarser than vellus hair. During puberty the rising level of androgens causes some vellus hair to transform into terminal hair, most often in areas such as the under arms, genital areas, legs, and forearms. In addition, mostly for men, terminal hair can grow on the face, back, chest, and shoulders. Women are generally most concerned with removing hair from the eyebrows, armpits, legs, and bikini area while men mostly concentrate on hair removal from the face and shoulders.
Electrolysis hair removal
Electrolysis is a form of permanent hair removal that uses electricity. During the process of electrolysis, a qualified practitioner inserts a fine metal probe into the hair follicle, delivering an electric current which destroys the area that generates the hair. Tweezers are then used to remove the loosened hair, and the process is repeated for each individual hair. While electrolysis is the most permanent form of hair removal available, a number of treatments are usually required. This is because some hairs may be missed or may be in their dormant stage during any given treatment session. Also, electrolysis treatments should be administered carefully in order to avoid dangers such as electric shock, excessive pain, infection, and scarring. While it is costly and time-consuming, when carried out properly home electrolysis can provide effective, permanent hair removal.
Epilators are mechanical devices consisting of a coiled spring or rubber roller that catches or grasps multiple hairs and pulls them out of the skin. This form of hair removal works particularly well on arms and legs and its effect can last from several days to several weeks. However, the use of these tools is somewhat restricted. This is due to the fact that hair must be between one-quarter of an inch and one third of an inch long in order for epilators to work. In addition, the use of epilators can be quite painful for some people, especially in sensitive areas. Pulling hairs out by the roots in this fashion can also lead to ingrown hairs and irritated skin. Sometimes it is beneficial to undergo a waxing treatment prior to attempting to use epilators in order to reduce the likelihood of such occurrences.
Hair growth inhibitors
Hair growth inhibitors are pharmaceuticals designed to reduce hair by retarding or inhibiting hair's growth. Hair growth inhibitors are available as oral medications and topical preparations, some of which require a prescription from your doctor. With continued use, hair growth inhibitors can provide long-lasting or permanent hair reduction, although these products are more effective for some people than others. Even for over-the-counter brands, it is usually best to consult a physician before using hair growth inhibitors as some are only safe for certain people, or may cause unwanted side effects.
Hair removal creams / depilatories
Hair removal creams, also known as depilatories, are products which chemically dissolve hair, allowing it to be easily scraped or brushed off the skin. These creams come in several forms, including lotions, gels, aerosols, and roll-on products. Hair removal through the use of depilatories is usually effective for approximately two to five days. Hair removal creams are inexpensive, can be employed at home, and are fast to use. However, these products can also cause skin irritation and often leave a visible shadow of hair beneath the skin of dark-haired people. Some people also find the odor of depilatories very unpleasant. Those with particularly sensitive skin should be cautious when using hair removal creams and everyone should be sure to pay careful attention to any directions accompanying this type of product.
Ingrown hair treatments
Ingrown hairs occur when a hair is broken off beneath the skin and begins to grow at an angle instead of up through the skin. They appear as little red bumps on the skin and can cause irritation and an unsightly rash. Sometimes a small, sterilized needle can be used to free the hair. Otherwise, solutions containing salicylic acid can be used to treat this problem. Products containing salicylic acid act as exfoliants and target these troublesome follicles, freeing them from beneath the skin. Many of these ingrown hair treatments are safe for both men and women to use on many parts of the body.
Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal is a permanent form of hair reduction, the effectiveness of which varies from person to person. Often, follow-up treatments are necessary in order to achieve the best results. Three to six sessions are generally required, although at times even more treatments are needed. During this type of treatment, lasers generally target hair follicles, damaging them while leaving the rest of the skin intact. Laser hair removal is considered to be a safe procedure when performed properly by a qualified practitioner. It is particularly useful for large areas such as legs and backs. In addition, this form of hair removal has proved most effective for fair skinned people with dark hair, as the lasers often target the pigmented part of the hair follicle. The disadvantages of laser hair removal are that it can be painful, it tends to be expensive, and improper treatments can cause burns, skin discoloration, and patchy regrowth. When planning to undergo this type of treatment, it is important to make sure that your practitioner is experienced and qualified.
Plucking is a form of hair removal that involves pulling or plucking hairs out by the roots, one at a time, using fingers or tweezers. This method of hair removal is often used for eyebrows and other facial hair, and generally lasts for approximately three weeks. Plucking is a cheap form of hair removal that is particularly useful for removing small numbers of stray hairs. Be sure to sterilize your tweezers before using them to remove hairs in this fashion. Ingrown hairs can be caused by plucking, as can pitting and scarring. Plucking can be painful and should not be used on nose hairs in order to avoid dangerous infections.
Shaving involves using a sharp metal blade to remove hair by cutting it off at the skin's surface. This can be done either manually or with an electric razor. This method tends to be effective for body hair for approximately four days. Shaving is a fast, inexpensive, and safe way to remove body hair at home. At the same time, care must be taken to avoid cuts, skin irritation, and ingrown hairs. For sensitive areas, it is sometimes helpful to shave in the direction of hair growth in order to minimize such problems. In addition, changing blades regularly is beneficial in this regard. Lathering and soaking the skin prior to shaving is also a good idea and will reduce the likelihood of irritating problems.
Sugaring, sometimes referred to as Persian waxing, is a hair removal method that has been used for thousands of years. It involves the application of a sticky, sugary paste to the skin. A strip of paper or porous cloth is then pressed into the preparation. The strip is pulled quickly away from the skin, opposite to the direction of hair growth, removing the hairs with it. Sugaring typically lasts for about three to six weeks and is an inexpensive form of hair removal that can easily be done at home. It can be a messy undertaking, however, and can cause hairs to break off below the skin's surface.
Waxing is a form of hair removal very similar to sugaring. For this method, a layer of wax is applied to the skin and quickly removed using a strip of cloth or paper. This not only pulls hairs out by their roots, it also removes dead skin. As a result, waxing is a very effective form of temporary hair removal that leaves the skin smooth and generally lasts for three to eight weeks. It can be used on nearly any part of the body, including the eyebrows, face, legs, abdomen, and bikini area. Waxing can be carried out either on your own at home or by a qualified cosmetologist or esthetician. Repeated use of waxing often results in slower hair regrowth and, at times, the destruction of some hair roots. Eventually, this may lead to permanent hair reduction. Waxing is a fast and inexpensive hair removal method but, as with sugaring, it can be messy and can result in ingrown hairs and irritation. Exfoliating regularly and applying a solution of astringent and oil can greatly reduce the occurrence of these problems.

Friday, September 12, 2008

"Don't push me, 'cause I'm close to the edge..."

Well, Archbishop Niederauer has invited Mrs. Pelosi in for a chat. Somehow, I don't envision Mrs. Pelosi leaving that meeting proclaiming "I've seen the light!". Seems to me that there would be some highly nuanced and carefully worded statement regarding "dialogue" - that favorite word of the Enemies of the Church.

Of course, the National Catholic Distorter weighs in on it, complete the required liberal opinion of a couple of dissenters ( Reese and O'Brien ).
Here's what David J. O’Brien, professor emeritus of Catholic studies at Holy Cross College had to say : “It shows some willingness to have dialogue,” O’Brien said. “There’s been movement to make the bishops’ role primarily one of teacher, his job is to proclaim. This shows a willingness to listen, I hope. Bishops should be having a conversation with their church.”

Link to the article :

Gee, and I thought their primary job WAS to teach. Maybe I didn't pay attention in my late-70's "theology" class at Bishop Liberal High School...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Indian woman dressing

In India the main dress for woman is Salwar suit and saree. They also started adopting western culture and have started wearing jeans, tshirts, skirts etc.

Indian Fashion - ancient fashion in India

Ancient Indian fashion garments generally used no stitching although Indians knew about sewing. Most clothes were ready to wear as soon as they left the loom. The traditional Indian Dhoti, the Scarf or Uttariya, and the popular Turban are still visible India and continue to be part of Indian fashion. Likewise, for women, the Dhoti or the Sari as the lower garments, combined with a Stanapatta forms the basic ensemble, and once again consists of garments that do not have to be stitched, the stanapatta being simply fastened in a knot at the back. And the Dhoti or the Sari worn covering both legs at the same time or, in the alternative, with one end of it passed between the legs and tucked at the back in the fashion that is still prevalent in large area of India. Indian men and women for these garments in the usually hot Indian climate. - dhoti when he speaks of 'turbans used for trousers', and a kaupina when he is speaking of 'a rag of two fingers' breadth bound over the loins.

Indian sari remains the traditional clothing of Indian women. Worn in varied styles, it is a long piece of flat cotton, silk or other fabric woven in different textures with different patterns. The sari has a lasting charm since it is not cut or tailored for a particular size.
This graceful feminine attire can also be worn in several ways and its manner of wearing as well as its color and texture are indicative of the status, age, occupation, region and religion of a woman.

The tightly fitted, short blouse worn under a sari is called a choli. The choli evolved as a form of Indian clothing around the tenth century AD and the first cholis were only front covering; the back was always bare.
Another popular attire of women in Indian clothing is the Indian salwar-kameez. This popular Indian dress evolved as a comfortable and respectable garment for women in Kashmir and Punjab region, but is now immensely popular in all regions of India. Salwars are pyjama-like trousers drawn tightly in at the waist and the ankles. Over the salwars, women wear a long and loose tunic known as a kameez. One might occasionally come across women wearing a churidar instead of a salwar. A churidar is similar to the salwar but is tighter fitting at the hips, thighs and ankles. Over this, one might wear a collarless or mandarin-collar tunic called a kurta.
Though the majority of Indian women wear traditional Indian dresses, the men in India can be found in more conventional western clothing like shirts and trousers.
However, men in Indian villages are still more comfortable in traditional attire like kurtas, lungis, dhotis and pyjamas. Indian dresses & styles are marked by many variations, both religious and regional and one is likely to witness a plethora of colors, textures and styles in garments worn by the Indians.

Use of Gold in Indian Fashion: For this reason, some gold ornament is usually worn against the skin at all times. Indian Gold ornaments are popular because the metal is believed to have the power purify anything it touches.
Ornaments of gold and other metals, often combined with precious and semi-precious gems and beads, are popular with both men and women in India.
Traditionally, Indian ornaments had economic significance for women too. The ornaments given to her at her wedding constituted a daughter's inheritance from her father ( Dowry).
Customarily land and other property was divided among the sons, though this no longer holds true. In addition, a bride's ornaments were financial security throughout her life.
Ornaments of Indian Fashion :

Nose pin: More common than a nose ring, both are symbols of purity & marriage, though today many unmarried Indian girls wear this adornment.
Necklace: These are very popular fashion accessories across India amongst girls and women of all ages. Necklaces are made of a variety of materials, ranging from glass beads to gold and diamonds. One special necklace is the mangalasutra, worn only by married Indian women. It is the Indian equivalent of the western wedding ring. Traditionally a woman wore it during her wedding ceremony and took it off only if her husband died.
Bangles: Worn on the wrist, bangles are believed to be protective bands and women always wore them as symbolic guards over their husbands. As with other ornaments, bangles today are worn by women of all ages all over India and are made of silver, gold, wood, glass, and plastic, among other materials.
Ear rings: Rings, studs and other ornaments worn in the ears are popular all over the country. In fact, a girl's ears are usually pierced before her first birthday.
Other important ornaments are finger rings, toe rings and anklets. Rings for the fingers are again, of various materials and designs and worn by unmarried and married women. Since the ring has become a common adornment, it is no longer considered a symbol in Indian marriages.
However, toe rings and anklets are still worn mostly by married women. Ornaments for the feet are usually made of silver because gold, being a 'pure' metal, was not supposed to be worn on the feet. This privilege was given only to women of royal Indian families.
In addition to these ornaments is the 'mangatika' or 'tikli'. This ornament, worn at the top of the forehead in the parting of the hair, is usually a small pendant on the end of a chain that is clasped to the hair. Although traditionally this ornament was also worn as a symbol of marriage, today it is not so commonly worn even by married women.
Kajal or Eyeliner : From the time a child is six days old, its mother applies kajal to its eyes and also a small black dot on the forehead to mar the child's beauty. This 'imperfection' is said to protect from evil.
Sindoor : dot on forehead of woman indicating married status of Indian Women, power, protection for her husband. It is applied by the husband as part of wedding ceremony.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Obama vs. Pro-Life

Obama finally gets specific on something and guess what it is? McCain's pro-life stand.

Well, you know what Obama considers important - making sure that every child that *can* be aborted actually gets aborted.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Archbishop Wuerl defends the Faith

Kudos to Archbishop Wuerl of Washington for issuing a gentle correction to Nancy Pelosi's outright lie regarding the Church Fathers and Church Teaching on abortion. Pelosi and her fellow lying "catholics" need to stop twisting the Faith and misrepresenting the Church with their verbal gymnastics on Life issues.

See the Archbishops' response here:

Sorry for some of the squiggly lines - the ol' arm is still quite a pain.
And yes, I have "offered it up"...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obama's Blind Spot

The Annointed One made a comment Saturday night at Rick Warren's quasi-debate about how selfish we Americans are and that our greatest moral failing is along the lines of "Whatsover you do to the least...".

Apparently he has a tin ear for irony.

Also, Jay Ambrose makes mincemeat of Obama's "selfish America" notion.

Give it a read if you get a chance.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The Monstrance cartoon might not be one of my better ones, but I have an excuse. During my frolicking in the ocean two weeks ago, I aggravated an old neck problem, which has compressed enough to pinch all the doggone nerves on my right side. My arm is killing me. I can't write or draw anything extensive, hence this crude representation of my current agony.

Prayers are appreciated, although I don't know whether there's a patron saint to cover neck compression and associated nerve problems.

Any cartoon I can muster in the near future might look a bit like I did it with my left hand...( some might say it would be an improvement! )

Monday, August 4, 2008

Error in Translation

As the Traditional Faith gets dusted off in so many places, I suppose there might be a few instances where the Traditional Dictionary will need to be referenced also...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Obama is the Messiah?

Some people out there actually think he is. Which I'm sure would make Jim Jones green with envy, if he wasn't so charred from that whole eternal burning thing.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Checking their Catholicism at the Voting Booth

Comparable to the Running of the Bulls in Spain, we're getting accustomed to the Running of the Idiots every 4 years here in America. I'm referring to the group of nominal "catholics" who somehow convince themselves that voting for a radical supporter of abortion is a good thing.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

3 Days in a row!

Wow, three days in a row - must be a record or something. Or I'm front-loading for when I leave to hit the beach! Yea baby!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Holy Liturgical Loonies, Batman!

Jeff over at the Curt Jester has an neat way to get rid of Liturgical Epilep- I mean Dancing.

Check it out.

I'd prefer the whole "Cleansing of the Temple" approach, but that's just me.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

USCCB's CRAPP committee

[From Fr. Z's blog:
Stalled again: USCCB fails to pass draft translation of Proper of Seasons
— Fr. John Zuhlsdorf @ 5:28 pm
The USCCB says the draft translation for the Missale Romanum texts for the "Proper of Seasons" failed to obtain a 2/3 majority of favorable votes. Back to the drawing board.]

Read Fr. Z's take on it at:

What Does The Prayer Really Say?

They probably DO have a committee like this...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cardinal George at Fr. Pfleger

Kudos to Cardinal George to doing something about Fr. Pfleger. This guy is unhinged. Probably just needs a distemper shot or something.

Anyway, Thomas Peters over at the American Papist has a pretty good post on this whole affair:

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

There's a new fly in the ointment.

Time Magazine had a recent article entitled "Is Liberal Catholicism Dead?".

I think just asking the question gives one the answer. Here's what one says:

"For a couple of generations, progressivism was an [important] way to be Catholic."
Then he adds, "But I think the end of an era is here."

We can only hope.

Link to the article:,8599,1737323,00.html

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Career for young Indian girl

Hello Girls,

If you are a 12th pass girl and want to know what are the career options available for you then following are some of my recommendation in India

1) Go For Computers
If you have a interest in Mathematics and computers then best option being a girl is to go for a computer science course. These days there are so many engineering colleges to do your Btech in CS . If you dont clear an entrance to get in some nice goverment college for Btech , don'y get disheartened. Since anyways there are fixes seats available. Dont waste your time unneccarily in dropping for an year and taking up exam next year rather try for other options. You can take up a good BSC + MSc in Computer science from nice prestigious college for eg Delhi University or any state university with good reputition. You can also go for a BCA + MCA which is equivalent to a Btech + masters.

2) Go for Finance
This is a fast catching up field. A Bcom+MBA.

3) Medical for the biology ones

(incomplete to be contd...)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Memorial Day

Amidst the cookouts and fun, let's not forget all those who've given their lives to keep us free.

Skin care in Summers

In tropical countries summer stays longer than any other season. The hot and humid weather hampers usual activities so it becomes necessary to adopt an exclusive life style in this season.

While going out in sun
Always use umbrella made of sun protecting materials or cap and sunglass before going out. Use sunscreens that have SPF 15, at least half an hour before going out in sun. Try to use light full sleeve cotton garments to protect yourself from direct sunrays. May you like to adorn yourself in shirt-pant, sari or salwar, all the dresses should be cozy and have enough room for air circulation. Try wearing cool colours like white or mauve.

Cleansing program
Add a few drops of cologne or sandal oil in water before you bath. The freshness will continue the day long. Use deodorant or anti-perspirant. It lessens microbes that creates body odour at the same time its aroma suppress the small of sweat. Don't use powder. It blocks the pours of skin. As sweat could not come out of the body it hampers body's moisture balance. You may fell ill in the situation. You can use medicated powder in between fingers of foot to control perspiration.

Wash hair regularly during this sultry months with a mild shampoo. Use conditioner after shampooing. Don't use too much of hair drier it will make hair rough. Dry hair in fan after returning from work.

Clean face at least 4-5 times preferably with a transparent face wash. Splash your face with cold rosewater as many times as possible. Make a pack of sandelwood paste and neem leaves to apply over pimples to get relief. Rub heat rashes with ice cube then apply sandalwood paste. Rub your face before taking bath with a piece of watermelon and see how it glows. Even after this if you suffer from heat rash, don't prick. If problem becomes complex it is better to consult your doctor.

Beauty tips for this season
Use a scrubber of methi (fenugreek) powder, sandalwood powder, and rice powder. Don't mix the powders. Before washing face take a few pinch of each variety and mix with water. Then apply over face, keep for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly. Watch how it cleanse your face. After returning from sun apply this solution. Mix two spoon of plain yogurt, few drops of lime, and a small amount of honey. Wash the solution after 10-15 minutes to minimize suntan. To refresh after a hectic day practice this. Add two spoon of grated mouri, 1spoon of ajwan, half spoon of camphor in a big container of boiling water. Take the vapour covering your face with a towel in closed eyes for 10 minutes. Splash ice cold water and dry up with a towel gently. Make a pack with a spoon of sandalwood powder, a spoon of fuller earth (multani Mitti), a spoon of neem paste and rose water. apply the pack over the pimples and keep for half an hour, then wash with cold water.Mix 1 spoon paste of poppy seeds, 1 spoon rice powder,1 spoon powder of masoor (lentil), half spoon of sandalwood powder, half spoon of fullers earth (multani),2 spoon of methi (fenugreek) powder with rose water. Apply all over the face and let it dry. Once dried remove by rubbing gently in an upward and outward motion. Finally wash off with cold water. If you have a oily skin apply a pack of sandalwood and multani mitti before going to bed. Don't prick or squeeze pimples.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The fight against Latin continues...

Some dioceses actually care about rebuilding Catholic identity. Some, like San Diego, look to erect more and more roadblocks to this restoration. Read all about San Diego's shenanigans over at Father Z's blog:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Piero Marini keeps trying...

He just can't accept that the "great renewal" has been a complete bust. But he'll keep up the facade as long as there are people who'll listen.

Read more about it over at the Roman Catholic Blog:

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I know I shouldn't, but...

By now, I think we've all heard of that poor Priest who disappeared down in Brazil due to those balloons. God be with him, for sure.
But the comic in me just couldn't help but wonder...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

SSPX ain't jumping on board yet...

Rorate-Caeli has a post on the SSPX's recent letter stating that an agreement won't be forthcoming with Rome. This cartoon shows their perspective, which I can appreciate, but if they'd just get on, it would help kick the hippies off the bus.

Tradition is making a comeback, and the hippies are on the run. Whatever one wants to argue about their "status", it would be a big help if they were on the bus with the rest of us.

Hop on over to Rorate-Caeli for more:

Friday, April 18, 2008

Pelosi meets the Pope ( ! )

I haven't been able to keep up with everything going on this week, but A Thorn In The Pew has, and she expresses amazement that Pelosi, of all people, met the Pope this week. That's about as odd as David Duke meeting Louis Farrakhan.

h/t to the Thorn:

Thursday, April 17, 2008

India: Women's empowerment , How to empower indian women

Four of the main processes that could lead to women's empowerment, as defined by the IFAD evaluation, were:

changes in women's mobility and social interaction;
changes in women's labour patterns;
changes in women's access to and control over resources; and
changes in women's control over decision-making.

Changes in women's mobility and interaction.
The evaluation found that women had become more mobile and begun to have new interactions with a range of officials. There was even a growing willingness on the part of group members to approach the Panchayats and Collectors with petitions or grievances. In all, the evaluation found that:

50% of women group members had visited new places and travelled longer distances; and
94% had experienced new interactions with staff of institutions such as banks, district and block development organizations, NGOs and the project itself.
The study observes that this type of change was most likely to occur among women group members when:

the women involved were heads of households or were older;
the women involved had participated in training;
their group members had accessed a bank loan;
their group had undertaken community action initiatives; or
their group had been organized into a federation and encouraged to participate in special events (such as Women's Day, Rural Women's Day)

Changes in women's labour patterns.
The evaluation did not find any major changes in gender division of labour. However, there were indications of such changes beginning. For instance, the group meetings themselves forced some of the husbands to look after children and feed themselves while their wives attended the meetings. The evaluation found that the extent to which men helped in reproductive tasks was related to the health of the woman (men helped more if women were sick), the type of household (men helped more in a nuclear household), and the gender and age of the children (men helped less if girl children were present to help).

There was comparatively greater change reported in non-domestic productive tasks. Not all the changes in such labour patterns can be viewed as beneficial to women.

Fully 30% of women who had taken bank loans reported a marked change in gender roles, and 70% reported a small change. (Greater change was reported by women heads of households, which implies that changes in the division of labour were not always involved, but that the women themselves adopted new productive roles.)
However, the income-generating activities of the majority of women in male-headed households (for which loans had been taken) continued to be managed by men (presumably, the women's husbands).
The workload of 94% of the women who had taken loans increased compared with their previous workload (many had been wage labourers).
Therefore, the changes in women's labour patterns were mixed, and not as positive as along other dimensions. There was little indication that women's control over their labour had undergone a marked change, and the evaluation noted that many women may simply have gone from undertaking paid work outside the home to becoming unpaid family labourers (in male-managed enterprises). At least self-employment allows women the possibility to have better working conditions, save on travel time, and be able to more effectively combine reproductive and productive roles.

Changes in access to and control over resources.
The evaluation also looked into women group members' access to non-loan-related resources and benefits, and particularly to common resources. It seems that a number of the groups undertook activities that would give their communities better infrastructure or services, for instance in water supply, child-care facilities, health care services and improved roads. In this sense, they played a key role in promoting changes in collective access to resources.

Changes in intra-household decision-making.
The evaluation concluded that there seemed to be a slight improvement in women's involvement in household decision-making in male-headed households, on such issues as credit, the disposal of household assets, children's education, and family health care. However, the traditional gender-based divisions persist in intra-household decision-making. Women basically decide on food preparation, and men make the financial decisions. But group members had become more aware of their property and political rights (which was part of group training). As in the case of mobility and social interaction, the evaluation again found greater improvements among women heads of households, older women, and more educated women.

In traditional societies, even more than elsewhere, women's empowerment does not occur easily or overnight. In the India case described, there was evidence of such change beginning, to which the project had apparently contributed. It was most noticeable among certain types of women. Perhaps one of the most important emerging lessons is that women's groups themselves, in their social aspects, play a role in such empowerment. This argues for placing emphasis on sustaining groups beyond the life of the project, which indeed was done in this instance. The project evaluation also recommended that communication support (films, radio broadcasts and so on, with sensitization and training content) be used to speed up the empowerment process.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dissenting Geek at it again...

Catholic World News points to an article in the USA Today about Pope Benedict, and naturally they (USA Today) have to make sure they put some dissenting views in about the Pope, so who do they call? None other than Fr. Thomas Reese, noted dissenter and boo-hoo boy for all things Liberal. I came up with this "advertisement", since it seems there's no shortage of dissenters out there ready to rain on any Catholic parade that goes by.

Read the article here: